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The Impact Of Technology On Student Learning

Nowadays, technology is switching almost everything in our lives. Various studies found that technology has an impact on everything, even from our means of communication to our thought processes. Well, in this article, we specifically decided to discuss the impacts of technology on education or student learning.

People frequently ask different questions regarding the impact of technology on student learning. Similar to other sectors, technology also has both positive and negative impacts on academic careers. The student of the recent era not only utilize i-pads, computers, smartphones, and laptops, but also they use different handy tools like pdf converters, electronic dictionaries, GPA calculators, etc.

They also can’t imagine their academic life without helpful paper writing services they use to deal with assignments involving essays, written reviews, research papers, etc. Even students studying medicine have nursing essay writing platforms at their disposal. And all this is possible thanks to technology and the Internet.

Positive & Negative Impacts of Technology on Student Learning:

Well, there are hundreds of positive and negative impacts of technology on student learning, but here we are decided to compile some prominent impacts that you need to know!

Positive Impacts:

  • Ease of Learning
  • Up to Date Information
  • Promotes Teaching Skills
  • Sharp The Minds of Students

Negative Impacts:

  • Spoils the Creativity Skills
  • Distractions
  • Misinformation
  • Promotes Laziness

Well, let’s start!

Positive Impacts:

Ease of Learning:

Nowadays, students get the ease of learning by utilizing gadgets like smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. These gadgets allow them to access information regarding the study. Additionally, student access the internet to complete their class assignments and finalized projects efficiently. . The Internet plays a vital role throughout the academic career of students. They also utilize different handy tools like PowerPoint, college GPA calculator, 3d-sliders, etc.  You can visit to track your quality grade point averages using the GPA calculator.

Up to Date Information:

When it comes to final year projects or even class assignments, students start compiling the necessary research through the internet or the school library. And if the school library is outdated, then they utilize the internet and digital encyclopedias to obtain updated information regarding their project. But, whenever you access the internet to obtain information, you should have to share this with your instructor for proofreading.

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Promotes Teaching Skills:

A few years ago, teachers used blackboards – and now, teachers get the ease of teaching with the aid of smart boards. These boards work incredibly, and teacher utilizes them for a specific purpose or to facilitate the students in efficiently understanding the topics. The smartboard allows the teachers to access Microsoft PowerPoint and other software regarding teaching.

Sharp The Minds of Students:

According to optimistic studies, the brain is the most useful part of the human body the more you use it, the more you improve in what you’re utilizing it for. Typically, technology assists in sharpening the minds of students, as they access the bulk of information on the internet.

Negative Impacts:

Spoils Creativity Skills:

No doubt students get ample information through the internet, but on the other hand, it can spoil their creativity of students. For the sake of good grades, most students just copy and paste the content.

Several studies found that there are hundreds of students who are well on paper, but they didn’t have a little idea regarding their specific field of study. Even if they are degree holders but can’t solve any technical issues relevant to their degrees. Well, this is one of the darkest impacts of technology on students learning. However, around the globe, most educational institutes focus on creative writing and introduce specific courses to promote the creative skills of students.


The basic purpose of the internet is to access information regarding their relevant field, but instead of getting information, students spend time on Gaming, social media sites, TV serials, and chatting. These factors cause students distraction and even take attention away from their studies. In recent times, students are happier staying on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or Twitter, instead of focusing on their academic careers. A New York Times article showed that students who are constantly sticking by email, text messages, and online video games stuck their minds, and they weren’t able to concentrate on their subjects.

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It is one of the major negative impacts as students access the bulk of information through the internet, and they didn’t have an idea is the information is legit or not. You can get thousands of results concerning one topic and even lots of relevant suggestions of the searched topic, but it is quite difficult to know which content is authorized and which stuff is just a clout-chasing piece of misinformation. Students of recent eras prioritize where the information can be found, and they don’t care what the information is.

Health Issues:

Studies found that students who spend lots of time on social media sites tend to have more health issues, including stomach aches, and sleeping problems, as well as anxiety, and depression. Even these students are more aggressive than those who don’t utilize social sites.

It is the most prominent negative impact of technology on the learning of students, and keep in mind these health issues can lead to some serious diseases. At the time, peers, parents, and teachers need to pay more attention to the students and should be aware them what they’re missing out on while spending too much time on these social media platforms.


Before technology, bullying just was a thing that was only done face-to-face. And, now, people can face lots of issues of bullying through online platforms. Studies found that students who bully spend lots of time using technology. Well, different educational institutes provide a piece of legitimate information to their students regarding cyberbullying.

Final Thoughts:

Well – the school authorities and parents need to take the necessary steps to elaborate on the right purpose of technology. Parents and teachers need to work as a team for the bright future of students.