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Digital Careers To Look Out For In 2023


When the word technology is heard, the constantly evolving and change in the ways we work comes to mind and, over the past decade, technology has helped create jobs beyond our imagination.

Nowadays, a digital career is about much more than just a job in IT (information technology). And, there’s more to a digital career than meets the eye and digital professionals work in places you might not think.

Across the globe, organizations are accelerating their digital transformation and skilled professionals are needed to meet the demand. Digital professionals work in interesting and innovative jobs, designing and delivering solutions to real-world problems.

Digital careers are now integrated into almost every sector of the economy and these include the following;

  • Healthcare
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Media retail
  • Telecommunications
  • Manufacturing and,
  • Public services provided through the government



A job in digital can open the door to a secure, well paid and respected career in an exciting and fast-growing industry.  Growth and demand in digitization is creating great opportunities for people to establish varied and fulfilling careers.

A digital career offers many benefits, including:

Choice of roles—there are diverse roles on offer in all sectors of the economy

Great pay—high demand means well-paying jobs are available

Autonomy—you can be your own boss and start your own business providing a digital service to other organizations and companies

Choice of employers—employment is on offer in various industries and with large global companies right down to small to medium local businesses

Leverage your existing skills—if you’re already familiar with working online, with software, coding or social media, you can build on your existing knowledge

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Flexibility—work remotely with flexible hours from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop.

High demand—there are currently more digital jobs than qualified people to fill them.


A digital career can take you beyond the mundane into the exciting worlds of cyber security, analytics, gaming, digital marketing, design, social media management and more. Plus, you are going to have a high career advantage in the future if you have at least some basic digital knowledge.


    • Systems analyst
    • Network administrator
    • Software engineer
    • Blockchain engineer
    • Information security analyst
    • DevOps engineer
    • Programmer analyst
    • AI architect
    • Data scientist
    • Web designer
    • Cloud architect
    • Product manager
    • Web developer
    • Information technology management

There’s a role in the digital workforce to suit every type of personality. Digital professionals work in creative roles, have broad skills, collaborate in teams and design innovative solutions to problems and, they come from all walks of life while having all kinds of interests.