Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing

5 Ways To Target Your Audience On Facebook

Are you tired of targeting the wrong set of people with your Facebook ad? Are you now interested in reaching a highly specific group of people with your Facebook advertisement? Congratulation, you are reading the right article.
Identifying who your customers are on Facebook is a pivotal step for a successful Facebook ad strategy. Facebook has millions of users, so you must identify and target the right people, people who are your potential customers. If the audiences you would serve your ad (impressions) will not converse for you, then you don’t have to waste your money in funding a Facebook ad .
Facebook ad manager provides a broad range of targeting options that would help you focus the right set of people for your Facebook ad.


Facebook allows you to understand the social behavior of a person. Let explore some of the ways you can target your audience

1.  Demographic Targeting

This strategy includes targeting people based on their age, gender, location, and language. These are the fundamental demographic factors. When selecting your customers based on this strategy, you need to be careful, A broad audience could mean you are setting up for failure.
Even if your brand or product can serve different age range of persona, you still have to target them differently .learn more about facebook ad       

2.Interest Targeting

This strategy is one of the most efficient strategies or ways of targeting your customers on facebook. When you properly define the interest of your audience, it helps to narrow down your audience and serve your ad to potential customers. This strategy allows you to target people who are interested in subject related to your brand or products.
To target based on interest, go to your ad settings , locate your interest section , click on the menu bar, this will show lots of interest and you can click on the category of people who will be interested in your products.

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3. Behavior Targeting

Knowing your customer’s behavior would significantly enhance the efficacy of your Facebook. Thanks to Facebook, you can now know the behavior of your audience through the information gathered by facebook, analyzing many factors, and also using an external data set. This targeting strategy allows you to target people based on their behavior and personality on Facebook, which includes personality traits, previous purchases, favorite places, and events they like to mention a few. This targeting strategy may look like it’s not useful, but when they are, it’s very efficient.

4. Custom Audience Targeting

This targeting strategy allows you to target customers who already know your business either by visiting your website or by engaging with your content. Facebook enables you to combine custom audiences with different options to reach the right audience
From Website Visitors ; you can set up a Facebook pixel on your website once you have done this, you simply go to your Audience manager and create a custom audience based on your website traffic. You can choose any option from this list based on your interest. Learn more about Facebook pixel
Based on App Activity; For you to target people based on app activity, you need to register your app and setup app event to create Facebook audience. You need to target people who have taken specific action(s) in your app. You can also select a time frame for targeted events.

5. Lookalike Audience Strategy

This targeting strategy allows you to target new customers who are similar to your existing ones. In other to create a lookalike audience, you need to choose a source so your Facebook will know the type of people you want to target. Customs audience act as a building block to lookalike audiences’ strategy. After you have successfully created your custom Audiences, then you can start setting up for the lookalike audience, click on the lookalike option to target users that are similar to the target you have already defined in your custom audience.
These are some of the ways to target your audience on facebook using facebook ad manager.Remember to drop your comment(s) and follow us on our social media pages @ digprom