Content Marketing

How to Create a Content Strategy to Grow Your Online Business

 Survey reviews that 75% of B2B purchasers rely on content as a research medium when they’re looking to make a buying decision. But do you know that many businesses and brands do not have a documented content strategy for their business?.

It’s no surprise that those companies who have a documented content strategy feel that their content marketing effort is not a waste. Consistency in implementing best practices is the ticket to long-term success in content marketing.

If you’re looking to drive more search traffic and build a profitable online business, you will have to understand  what content marketing strategy means.

Content marketing strategy is much more than creating, distributing and sharing content to generate leads, engage audiences, improve branding and another marketing goal, it also analyzes the different ways content could be used across the buyer’s journey, and improve customer experience.

Below are how to build a content marketing strategy for your business.

1.Define your content goal(s):

It is easy to get caught up with what type of content to create, forgetting the most important part, Why?.  Often a time we forgot to ask ourselves the why behind the content we are creating, forgetting that content serves its purpose best when we answer the why question rather than What.

So why are you creating a content strategy? Is it to generate leads? Engage with customers or to improve your customers’ experience?

No matter what your content market strategy goals are it must be specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to your target audience.

2. Identify and segment your audience:

It is important to know that people only give attention to what is relevant to them, relevance magically create time and attention. To be relevant, we need to identify and understand our buyer persona, our target audience. Savvy content marketers know they need to segment their audiences based product need.


Segmentation is important for one simple reason: some of our audience yet aren’t buyers, but others are.

Make the most of your marketing efforts by segmenting customers based on their buyer persona. Remember, a buyer persona is a fully fleshed-out profile of one segment of your audience. It enables you to develop content that speaks to each segment.

 3.Establish your KPIs:

The best way to achieve a goal(s) is to make them specific and measurable. it is important to set a key performance indicator (KPI) for your content marketing strategy.

The KPIs help you know when you have achieved your set goal(s) and the progress of your content marketing and also to pay attention to marketing expenditure, Thereby tracking different campaigns and also keeping eye on the cost of acquiring leads and making sales.

KPIs include what you plan to achieve in terms of the revenue, sales, traffic SEO, and different digital aspects of digital marketing like email marketing and social media metrics.

4. Figure out the best channel to distribute or market your content:

The only reason why content is created is for audience consumption, it is important to identify the channel (platform) your content will be best interacted with that’s because you won’t get the result you want unless these are handled properly. Example of channels to distribute your content depending on your marketing goal(s)

  • Email is one of the channels for distributing your content( Email marketing)
  • Content could be scheduled for sharing on social media.
  • Content could be distributed via youtube or blog.
See also  Digital Marketing Metrics you Need to Keep Track

Working through the process of content marketing, you will get a sense of where your audience is hanging out and where you have a successful online presence. It is always best to focus on what’s working and expand from there, rather than trying to do everything at once.

5.Create a content calendar

A marketing plan should go beyond the types of content you’ll create, it should also cover how you’ll organize your content. with the help of a content calendar also known as the editorial calendar, you’ll be on the right track for publishing a well-balanced and diverse content library on your website and social media .  Read more on how to create a content calender

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